WOODBOOT - Crime Time

Image of WOODBOOT - Crime Time


SR 05

Brisbane, Australia's WOODBOOT present their debut LP: Crime Time. It's actually their second album, following on from 2014's Krang Gang non-demo tape. Razar's snot and spittle must hang over Brisbane like some horrible cloud. It's present in WOODBOOT, embedded like DNA. Audible in the aggressive guitar work that fills Crime Time. Vocals are surly and raw, taking their cues from the first wave but moving beyond that original template set by The Ramones and early aussie punk. It's pissed off, but poppy, there's a heavy air of shit-headed sarcasm throughout the record, sneering at the listener and banging on the door. The drumming is hard hitting and primitive, prehistoric sounds and a perfect backbone for the band. At times I hear both Rocket to Russia and something akin to Wire's early demos, but the beat is harder and the level of aggression displayed here is infinitely greater.